


[Eye of Hathor Seeker of Endings and Beginnings]
(We’ll refer to this sheet as EHSEB 01 but they don’t have numbers)

“I was the mother and the swarm.”

PRONOUNS // They/them, it/its, She/Her
AGE // Unknown - clone : a few years
HEIGHT // 1m83
SPECIES // Parasite - Cloned Hivemind

CONTACTS // The other Hathor of their crew. The rest of the Hivemind was cut-off.
SKILLS // Bioengineering, Cloning, ‘Pataspatial travel bases, mind shenanigans, fragments of remaining skills from the hivemind cultural and scientific.

PERSONALITY // Used to being a fearsome conqueering deity as well as a very invested bioscientist. EHSEB 01 is still trying to discover who they are without the rest.
They tend to change depending on the needs of the situation, and are of a curious nature though prone to frustration.

LIKES // Music and other expressions of Art.
Curious about any scientific endeavors and individual or shared particularities.
Likes to bathe with her clones or other people, and in those moments in particular is very fond of interesting conversation, be they funny or intelligent.
Conquest and crushing her foes.
But also enjoying their company.
They like systems and ecosystems that can persist over time, renewable energies and such, as they are more reliable in the long term.
DISLIKES // Other Ancient ones from her species (not hathor), being disconnected from the rest of herself. Close mindedness. Systems/organizations/people that use natural, cultural or scientific resources without thinking of the impact in the long term.

HISTORY // The EYE OF HATHOR SEEKER OF ENDS AND BEGINNINGS [EHSEB] for short, is a shuttle Ark that was sent by Hathor, a vast overarching hivemind, to reach and explore another universe.
The journey didn’t go very well and when they landed the shuttle was heavily damaged. Most of the clones didn’t survive the trip.
EHSEB 01 was the last clone online and after experiencing loneliness for the first time since days they had forgotten, they awoke EHSEB 02 from stasis.
Now they are the two last members of the crew and are cut from the rest of their hivemind. Both of these clones as well as the shuttle, share consciousness, though more fragmented than before due to being disconnected from the main hive.
They have been working on repairing their ship and are starting to open contact to civilisations of this planet in hopes of creating links to benefit from, to get help and resources. EHSEB 01 also believes in getting allies, especially after feeling so alone and vulnerable./

ADDITIONAL NOTES // Not very used to having normal interactions with people but will try their best to create a web of contacts.
They honestly want to contribute to this ecosystem, though it is mostly from a personal need of security and gathering intel and ressources.
Aspirations of grandeur and conquest are in conflict with those of leisure and seeing others reveal their true potentials. And in this now crippled state they will have to make choices and change.

A document that goes more in depth about Hathor before EHSEB was cut from herself (not a necessary read) : Hathor the Ancient One - EHSEB